
DetroitSoft and SMARTSynergesis present

2019-20 Re-inventing for 21st Century Global Change Workshop Series


An incubator for established and emerging companies

In the technology and innovation market

Leveraging the New Edge

In today’s global-competitive business environment, how do you get noticed when your competition is thousands of large and small companies all over the world?

How do you stand above the rest when “We do good work” is not enough to land the deal? When customers require more than your experience and years in business—and even past product performance—to gain their confidence and loyalty?

How do you get them to choose your company when a keyword search brings up hundreds of companies just like yours that do the same things, sell the same services, create the same technologies and solutions, make the same promises, charge the same rates, and even seem to have the same people?

How can you stay at the top (or even remain relevant) in a world of rapidly-changing needs, technologies, markets and interests?


The Re-inventing for 21st Century Global Change process guides you through the process of addressing these issues in 3 four-day hands-on interactive enviroment


Workshop I: From Website to Social Media: The Politics and Power of Language and Presentation 

Duration: 4 days intensive working sessions
Target Market: MBE Businesses
Dates/Time: November 12-14, 2019; 1pm to 5pm
Pricing: Group pricing available
Location: DetroitSoft Headquarters, Rm to be announced.

  • (Day One) The Hidden Messages in Written/Visual Presentations
  • (Day Two) "It's Economy, Stupid!" Words to take out, words to leave in
  • (Day Three) Impact: much ado about nothing –is more always better?
  • (Day Four) Schizophrenic Visuals

Workshop II: Shifting the Dynamics of Business Capability
Duration: 4 days intensive working sessions
Target Market: MBE Businesses
Dates: Jan 7-9, 2020
Pricing: Group pricing available
Location: DetroitSoft Hqtrs - Room to be announced.

Workshop III: Sustained Impact and Presence in a World of Change
Duration: 4 days intensive working sessions
Target Market: MBE Businesses
Dates: September 11-13, 2019
Pricing: Group pricing available
Location: DetroitSoft Hqtrs - Room to be announced.

Local Arrangements
All sessions will be held in DetroitSoft's conference facilities, located at the heart of Detroit's and WSU's New Center district. Coffee, Tea and refreshments will be available during each day's session and Box Lunches will be available for purchase.